Why do some people believe they have been abducted by aliens? In June of this year, a 12-year-old Jordan vanished in...
Sonic: Out of this World is primarily in a video format. The episodes can be viewed on Youtube at the...
Episode 3: The Truth The Apex corporation’s off-site lab was like a fortress at the edge of New Haven’s industrial...
Subtlety was key, especially when trying to maintain the secrecy of the crow and its stolen loot. Grayce would have...
It was a spaceship of unimaginable proportion, silently prowling the halogenic green waves of light that splashed across Earth’s curvature...
My dreams are often born in fire. There was a bright flash, a burst of sunlight searing the sky, blistering...
The lure was set, the alluring aroma of fresh fruit filling the chamber. Through the broken venetian blind of his...
Setting Sonic: Out of this World begins its story in Sonic’s World, a planet which may not appear too different...
Episode 2: The Alliance Detective Victor Kane sat at his cluttered desk in New Haven Police Department. His hollow eyes...
Episode 1: The Heist On the planet of NewTerra, a bustling beacon of humanity’s evolution, floated in the distant emptiness...