Each of the 7 Realms lived together in relative peace during the early stages of their creations. The deity-like Rulers...
A sickly humid blend of effluent, sweat and straw clung to the air like a thick fog. Engulfed in the...
By the end of 2018 the videogame industry had made $139 billion USD in revenue. In that same year, the...
I started playing Dungeons & Dragons at the end of 1983. I’d heard a few kids talking about it at...
It was midnight when the storm reached its crescendo, and that beautiful and steady flow of electrons normally busy powering...
It’s a balmy night in the blink and you would miss it town, the hall standing out amongst the cow...
Finally, the Ulstermen began to rise from their pains, one by one, and then all at once. King Conchobar mac...
Now Medb’s armies were ready to invade, but separate tragedies had befallen Ulster. The men of Ulster had been crippled...
So it happened that Medb [P], Queen of Connaught – said to be so beautiful that it robbed men of...
In the years following the death of Christ, long before the coming of the sainted Patrick, when the old gods...