Mosque Rally A Demonstration Of Anything But Social And Political Issues

You may have heard about the two groups that clashed in Bendigo on Saturday, August 29th, 2015. Despite what the reason is perceived to be it wasn’t because of plans for a Mosque, or because of the potential increased presence of Muslims in the city. The rally, the speeches, the flag-burning were irrelevant; it was because a group of organised fascists and an unorganised group of anarchists that don’t agree on social and political issues needed to justify their existence.

Think about it. If the United Patriots Front didn’t goose-step through Bendigo, and if the other lot (were they even an organised group?) hadn’t shown up to attempt a riot would we even be aware they existed?

Whatever you want to call the activity that took place on August 29th, it had little to do with the opposing philosophies of nationalism and multiculturalism. It was each standing opposite to proclaim that without the other there’s no need for their existence. But because that still didn’t warrant their activities they got stuck into one another just so they could say they’re here to remove the other.

UPF: Saving us from oppression whether we like it or not

It’s the high-jacking of the terms multiculturalism, nationalism and the total abuse of freedom of speech that’s left these causes lacking any meaning. The anarchists who burnt flags demonstrated the opposite of multiculturalism, while nationalism is now a dirty word thanks to the racist, bigoted, xenophobes that make up the UPF. Funny how a group that’s opposed to the perceived enforcement of Sharia Law in Australia is enforcing their beliefs on everybody else.

But the worst is the exploitation of the gift that is freedom of speech. This entire world has misinterpreted what freedom of speech really is. It’s not an entitlement for you to say, think and do whatever you so please on a whim, and yet this lot cower behind it, using it as a form of critical immunity so that they may carry on its abuse.

Furthermore, freedom of speech is not exclusive to any one domination but to all. Both groups demonstrated openly that they don’t understand this concept by trying to silence the other. When this world wakes up and realises that any form of freedom is a cherished gift and not an entitlement the true building of bridges can begin.

Nothing says multiculturalism and freedom of speech like silencing your opponents with fists

It’s amazing how both groups fully believed that they were wanted in Bendigo for this issue. They, many of whom came from places other than Bendigo, viewed their own presence as a blessing and marched with their heads held high like they were doing us a favour. Just because we don’t exploit freedom of speech doesn’t mean we need to be lectured by those who misunderstand the concept.

Side note: seriously, who the hell thought; you know what? This silence we perceive from the general population of Bendigo suggests we, a hate group dressed as some sort of level-headed patriotic movement, need to shut down the CBD and start a riot in the middle of their town! That should resolve all the issues we assume they have!

Each will justify their behaviour, or general existence, by preaching their own version of holy gospel, but what’s worse is none of them will take responsibility for their actions. They will point fingers and blame the other for all the evils that exists in the world. It’s the lefties fault that terrorism endures and the UPF’s fault that racism and bigotry still exist in modern society. It’s the others fault that any violence took place in Bendigo. We get it; you’re all pure saviours of this world. Get over yourselves and shut up.

If it wasn’t for the coppers you’d be f***** / freedom of speech. We’re splitting hairs here

You can sugar-coat it any way you want, but the fact is this was A) a group of ‘anti-everything’s’ who just had to spoil the party because they didn’t like what was being said, and B) a fascist hate-group demonstrating their duplicitous disdain for foreigners in ‘their’ country. Sorry, but your revisionist history of a ‘traditional Christian-Judaism country’ that is unwelcoming of boat-loads of people doesn’t fly. It’s also not your country to close off; it never has been and it never will be.

To sum it all up: the circus rolled up, they had their say, clashed, and then left again. Want to know what it achieved? On June 24th, 2014 the City of Greater Bendigo Council approved the plans for a Mosque in Bendigo despite some protest and without the help of a bunch of Melburnians in masks burning the flag. Well done, guys, you’ve achieved nothing.

John Lennon once sang ‘all we are saying is give peace a chance’. I’m sure both sides would like to proclaim this statement in sync with their own values but neither demonstrated they were aiming towards peace in Bendigo with their actions on August 29. They’ve probably never even heard of the song…

P.S, here’s a scenario for everybody to digest:

Imagine you own your own house. Then one day somebody busts down your door, kicks you out and decides that this is now theirs. You’re now living in the garage, completely ignored and forgotten by the world. They trash the place, destroy all the belongings you treasure so dearly and separate your family for, oh, a couple of hundred years.

They block anyone who originates elsewhere from coming to the house. Then some people from across the street come on over and ask if they could perhaps lend them a cup of sugar because they’ve fallen on hard times. Their response is to tell them in no uncertain terms to get lost, because the house is full and they don’t want to share.

Finally, some of those in the house get fed up with the Aryan’s-only policy that’s slowly seeped into the living arrangement, and want hostilities to end. This causes the two groups to start fighting, while in between a third group is sick of having their lives impeded by those who think they know the perfect way of life.

The house that you’ve known for so long has been maliciously destroyed by a group of people who want dominance in a house that they could care less about, yet hypocritically think is rightfully theirs to ruin.

By this point you’ve probably forgotten you’re stuck in the garage, and nobody gives  a damn about you.

Currently, that’s what it’s like to be Aboriginal…